Mommy blog

Preparation for going back to work after 6 month maternity leave

Hi Friends,

So it is nearly time… in exactly a week I will be back in work and my little rascals are going to be minded by someone other than me. I am not worried about Alexei, who is now 4 years old and already has experience of me working Monday to Friday, but I am definitely worried about how my 6-month old baby boy is going to react with me not being near him all the time.

Even when my hubby is home from work, he usually minds Alexei while I have Matthew… So it is going to be a massive change for all involved. I am going to tell you the truth, I am absolutely petrified. I know that no one will take care of my boys better than me. I am sure that I am not alone in feeling like this and there are a lot of mammas out there going through exactly the same emotions.

My hubby does shift work, which means he works 3-4 12 hour days, so boys will not be away from home all the time. But, he will have to learn how to multi-task with two boys, driving one to school, while trying to keep my baby boy to his routine.

So, in preparation for me going back to work I started doing several things:

First of all, Matthew has started eating solids and I do not like feeding him store-bought baby foods. So, I spent the last couple of days preparing vegetable and fruit dishes for him to have each day that I am not at home. The dishes that I am preparing are all done by following recipes from a book called quick&easy weaning by Annabel Karmel. We followed this book for Alexei during his weaning and he eats pretty much everything, apart from blueberries and avocados. In preparation for us going back to work we also purchased a lot of formula so we have enough in stock to last us a while.

Tomorrow and day after, I am going to be preparing and freezing food for Alexei as well, but he is easier to take care of as he eats pretty much anything that you are eating.

Secondly, I am writing out the routine for Matthew for all that are minding him. It breaks my heart knowing that by the time I will come home he will be at he sleepy time and getting ready to go to bed, but at least I will always be there to have my one-on-one time with him at bedtime. I will also be there every weekend so it will have to suffice.

Thirdly, as I am a scientist I need to catch up on the research that was done in the area of my research in the last 6 month. Hopefully, nothing too exciting happened and I can be the first 😉 This involves reading a lot of publications and making out a plan for upcoming weeks.

I am also preparing for work by purchasing most essential items for my brain to work after sleepless nights with a baby who is not sleeping through the night – Coffee, thermal flask to bring coffee on the train and a cup with boys pictures to have coffee in work 😀

The boys are not going to go to crèche as I had a really bad experience with Alexei being in one (a story for another time). Instead, they are going to be minded by my mother-in-law and father-in-law on days that my hubby is working or coming off the night-shift. So I know they are going to be well taken care off and it will be lovely for them to have a close relationship with their grandparents.

Take care everybody and have a good day.



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